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♥ REVIEW: Beauty Buffet CO Q10 & Yogurt Facial Mask

Hello there!

I am not really into facial masks. But sometimes, I feel like buying masks and maintaining it because they say that facial masks can give you that Korean-like skin. So, I thought, "Really??". But then, whenever I am ready to buy I always hesitate and then change my mind later on. I don't why. Maybe I find it expensive to use it once a day and then I think twice if it is effective. So, whenever I pass by the area where facial masks are displayed, I get only one or two from each of the variant just to try the effect of the product on my skin. And then that's it. So, for today, I got myself the Beauty Buffet CO Q10 & Yogurt Facial Mask variant. And let us see if it does improve my skin even if in just one usage. :)

Price: P49
Availability: Watsons

Description: Indulge in a sumptuous feast for your skin! This Beauty Buffet Mask's unique recipe is made up of CO Q10 to help firm skin and reduce fine lines, as well as Yogurt to help dissolve dead skin and minimize pores, and Glycine to help retain moisture. It rejuvenates skin so that it appears more elastic and smooth with a radiant glow. Natural botanical extracts - Algae, Aloe Vera and Cucumber also help to moisturize and nourish skin. Enjoy!

Very promising description and it made me buy this variant. This is actually my second Beauty Buffet mask. The first mask that I have tried is the Charcoal and Cypress variant. I liked the effect of the Charcoal one so I bought a different variant to see what it can do to my skin.


There is nothing fancy on its packaging. Just a typical facial mask packaging and I have no problem with that. However, I have a little disappointment on the actual product. The actual product is folded inside the packaging and aside from that you have to peel the plastic before or after you put the product on your face. And I feel that I am wasting a lot of essence because when you get it out of the packaging it is dripping and I don't like to waste the essence because it is the main "star" of the product. Another thing is that I think the mask is too big for my face. Lol!


I know I am a sucker when it comes to the smell of the product but I really try to describe the smell to you. In this case, this product smells like cucumber. It's not a strong scent and it's not bothering at all. For me, the scent is so-so. I am not saying that I don't like it but I am not saying that I like it either. I am just neutral.

  • Affordable.
  • Locally available.
  • No irritations or allergic reactions.
  • No bothering scent.
  • My skin feels refreshed and relaxed after use.
  • Skin quickly absorbs the essence.

  • The sheet is a bit bigger for my face.
  • A lot of essence will put to waste.

Therefore, I conclude that one usage of this product will not give you enough satisfaction. For me, this product did not give me something that I want. And I thought maybe it will be more effective in the long run. I prefer the Charcoal and Cypress variant because at least that variant has an effect on me. But I would still recommend this product because we don't have the same skin types. 

That's it for this review! Thank you so much for viewing and I hope this review helped. Stay tuned for more reviews and follow me on Instagram (@judychiot) for more updates. God bless. :)

Have you tried Beauty Buffet masks? :)

Lots of ♥, Judy

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