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MUJI Wooden Lip Liner in Pink

I am not a fan of lip liners simply because I've always thought that it's just an additional step when it comes to makeup application. This is actually the first time I will be featuring a lip liner on my blog. On my recent trip to Muji, I was disappointed because their skin care line is incomplete and I was told they weren't sure when the stocks will arrive. And I felt the need to buy something so my trip there won't be a total fail and their Wooden Lip Liner in Pink is one of the two things I got.

It is a very pretty rose-pink shade that can instantly brighten up the face. I like that it is not a rose shade that makes me look older. The texture is creamy and not dry unlike other lip liners I have previously tried as it goes on smoothly on the lips. It has some shimmers to it but just enough to add sheen on the lips even though it appears to be matte. I do not use this just as a lip liner but instead apply it all over the lips for a very lovely pink shade. I like the fact that it doesn't make me look gay. It lasts a long time, say, for a couple of hours or so, even after eating and drinking. It may seem expensive at first for Php 295 but I must say it's going to be worth every cent since it will last a long time. This is made in Japan too so if you also like cosmetics that are made in that country, do try this one. The only con I see is that you have to go all the way to BHS in Taguig just to get this and I didn't see other shades to choose from. Overall, it's something that I would say you should try if you love lip liners. I wouldn't mind repurchasing too.


On my lips

Have you tried any cosmetics from Muji?

I hope you're all having a blessed Holy Week. :)

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