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5 Reasons To Love Vidal Sassoon (PS: One Reason Is Because I'm Giving Some Away)!

Vidal Sassoon Pro Series Volume Collection: Boost & Lift Shampoo, Boost & Lift Conditioner, and Boost & Lift Foaming Air Mousse

Okay, real talk: If a company gives me the opportunity to review something AND give something away to you lovelies, nine times out of ten I'm going to say "YES!" The products you see above are the result of said compulsion, so you're welcome very much! Lol. Anyway, I was approached by a rep from the newly revamped, veteran hair care brand, Vidal Sassoon, to do a product a review and GIVEAWAY! So without further ado, here are 5 reasons why you should love Vidal Sassoon!
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