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Review: By Terry Eye Designer Palette Nr. 2 Color Design

Hello guys,

This is my first post with my new layout (a Soho theme from Blogger). It looks great!

Yes, I'm still on Blogger because I'm a xenophobe ;) and well because bureaucracy in Belgium is so extreme that making money around here with a blog on e.g. Wordpress is not interesting. Discrimination! So I will just keep writing about beauty for fun and keep looking for a "real job". I'm sort of a lawyer, but I kinda need to get hired, something I forgot by the time I finally graduated. My health was more important.

Today I want to give you my opinion on this gorgeous looking palette by By Terry.

Firstly, I had never seen a palette with such an interesting combination of colors. Brown, purple, yellow, orange, dark blue, dark green, interesting! I rarely buy makeup anymore just to have it and for how it looks, but I thought I could use this palette, so why not. It is pricey though, around $ 80! And am I a big fan of By Terry? To be honest, no, I have tried a gloss and a blush by them and I find that their products make me feel washed out and dirty, which is strange, since their products are very expensive and luxurious looking. Could it be that they do not test on animals?

The palette comes with one brush that is very soft and small enough to smoke out the lower lid. It is not exactly suitable for smoking the crease, it's too small. Bummer. The other end is a mega stuff brush that hurts, I'm not sure what it's doing here. I'm sort of disappointed in the whole thing. I'm not sure about the quality now, and I don't think I will be buying from By Terry again. I haven't heard one spectacular review about them.

The colors are very pigmented, so soft brushes are recommended for building a soft look with these colors, also because the colors are sort of intense. I tried making a nice soft look but it instantly looked quite heavy on me. I'm used to giving myself a pretty natural eye makeup with more sheer browns (kinda Victoria Secret look), so these bold autumny colors made me look quite different. There was quite a but of fallout and my brush dips into the product quite deeply into the soft, honey comb like shadows. So like I said, a very soft brush is recommended.

I quite quickly found the colors too bold for me, and felt like I should sell the palette online before it looked used. I got a phishing message from a French scammer and quickly pulled the product offline, but secretly it was because I didn't really want to sell. I think I'm keeping because it's just so beautiful. Of course, if I wanted softer shades, I should have gone for the palette Nr. 1 Smoky Nude. They even have a Nr. 3 Magnet Eyes with marine/jungle colors.

Here are all the shades:

So even though I love to have this palette and adore looking at the shades, I'm not sure if the colors are my thing after all. They are super intense, especially for someone with brown hair, light skin and blue eyes. I'm sure that I will use some of the colors for different looks or occassions, so no loss.

Here are the different shades:



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