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Goodies From The Lush Kitchen

The Lush Kitchen is a fab way to find long lost items from Lush, as well as exclusives. Lush went and discontinued my favorite shower gel - Grass. I really hate it when a brand discontinues something that is amazing and Grass was unfortunately one of them. When I was told about the Kitchen, I decided to keep checking it every day to see if they had the product I was looking for.

Every Friday, The Kitchen announces next week's products on their Instagram. You couldn't believe my excitement when I found that Grass would be coming back on the Monday. I made it my mission on Monday to get myself some of that green goodness. Products go on sale at 8am each morning and I was up super early to make sure I bought some. It may sound stupid getting ready to buy as soon as 8am arrives, but if you know the Kitchen, you will know that some products sell out super fast. 

As soon as I saw Grass was available to buy I added some to my basket. Another product that the Kitchen released then was the Geo Phyzz Bath Bomb. I put one of those in my basket too, you can't beat a bath bomb, especially hard to find ones.

My products arrived yesterday and I've managed to use some of them already. As usual with items from the Kitchen you also get a photo of the person who made the items. Peter made both the bath bomb and shower gel.

Grass Shower Gel
This is the product I have been looking for ages and I was glad that the Kitchen chose to bring this one back. Out of all Lush shower gels this one has to be my favorite. I love outdoor scents, which is probably why I love the scent of Grass. This one really does have the scent of a freshly mowed lawn and is a great scent for summer. As you can expect for Grass, the color is nice and green.

Geo Phyzz Bath Bomb
I couldn't resist grabbing a bath bomb and what's even better is I haven't tried this one before. It may be a new exclusive or one that has been brought back. It's an awesome green color which fizzes quite fast when dropped into the water. After a few seconds the scent appears which is very fresh. It has an outdoor sort of scent that reminds me a bit of pine. 

The other ingredient which really stands out to me is this menthol type scent that appears as it fizzes. It's very clearing, especially if you have a blocked up nose. 

Theres no color effects in the water with this one and instead it just leaves your bath this green color. Once it has dissolved it also leaves a bit of sea salt in the bottom of your bath. You can either swish it around the water or use it as a scrub. The salt is a bit on the coarse side so I would swish it around a bit as it could get quite uncomfortable stepping on it.

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