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What I've been watching lately #5 (Movies, Anime and short films)

Hello, hello you guys! Even tho I have been a little busy lately, I've been enjoying some shows and movies at the end of my days. There is no better way to relax! Between Netflix, YouTube and some anime recommendations, here is what I've been watching for the past month or so.

Para Elisa (For Elisa) is a Spanish horror movie. Basically about a college student who is looking for a part-time job and is held captive by her employer after she agrees to become the nanny of a crazy "girl"
I wouldn't say it's scary but, it makes you watch until the end and gives you a little tension. Unexpected ending and, the movie is actually pretty short!

Warm Bodies. I remember when I was madly in love with Nick Hoult~~~~ Well, this movie made me adore him a ton! Zombies, romance and a little comedy sounds like a good combo to me. I know most of you already saw it but, yeah. A zombie falling in love is something you don't see everyday. Kinda cute, kinda funny but I think it's worth your time if you like zombies.

My neighbor Totoro. I finally saw this movie! Not that I wasn't familiar to the characters because my friend Keisha has been a huge Totoro fan for a while now. I decided that I wanted to watch all of the movies Studio Ghibli has. I've loved the ones I've seen so, I want to watch more and more.
I loved the characters, I loved the creatures and Totoro makes me want to hug him!!

未来日記 (Mirai Nikki / Future Diary) is an anime that personally was not something I would've picked to watch by myself. But I ended up liking it a lot!
The show is pretty much about  group of diary owners. This diaries can predict the future. And they start a battle against each other. The last one standing will become a God.
There are a lot of emotional and psycological things going on during the show. I'd say it is more like an adult anime because of the topics it has. There's also a bit of a sad love story going on. (even if it's an obsessive love, it's still love, yeah? haha.) As for the characters, some of them are complex and you can hate them or love them. Yukki can be one of the most frustrating main characters ever! But, he has a good heart. And Yuno...well, she's a little psycho but, I couldn't help to love her at times.
The show has 26 episodes and one OVA. I haven't seen the OVA yet but I definitely will.

And finally, I'll share with you two Korean short films I saw and thought were entertaining. I really enjoy short films so, yeah.
First one is a "horror" one called Human Form and it shows the impact plastic surgery has on people this days.

And, 어머니 (Mother) An animated short film that shows the struggles a mom has to deal with everyday. Really cute.

And, this is it for now guys! Let me know if you decide to watch some of these. I'll be back with more recommendations for you all!

Previous shows and movie recommendations:
What I've been watching lately #1
What I've been watching lately #2
What I've been watching lately #3
What I've been watching lately #4

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