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This Saturday was date night. It consisted of World of Warcraft, and eating Burger King IN a movie theater. Coming from Kelowna, the mundane capital of the world, it's pretty crazy to see movie theaters with full on restaraunts inside. Of course, we had to take advantage of it. But fast food aside, it's time for the movie review.


Righto, personally, I was very excited for this movie. I am a huge fan of comics, and an even bigger fan of mythology. This was the best of both worlds. But for as much as I thought I knew what the movie was about, it was not exactly what I expected. The film's storyline was very different from what I thought it was going to be. There was more about Asgard, and less of Thor in action with his hammer. But it was really good. I was very entertained watching the movie, and the CGI was excellent. Thor's city was beautiful, and the rainbow bridge to the other realms reminded me of a real life version of the Rainbow Road level in N64 Mario Kart. 

Favourite Quote: Thor finishes the last of his coffee. He looks around the table and says "I like this beverage, get me another!" Then proceeds to smash his coffee mug on the ground.

The humour in the movie was refreshing. Nothing too racy or offensive, just some good 'ol jokes with a bit of slapstick comedy. As in the scene above. ^

Favourite Character: The Gate Keeper. He's one of those guys that commands respect, because he has unbelievable amounts of power, but does not try to rule. He wants nothing more than to loyally serve his King, and protect his realm. They did fantastic on the actor's contacts, movie makeup is just getting better and better. (Think of the contacts in Underworld, terrible.)

Also worthy of praise are the Frost Giants. They look fantastic, and the stuff they can do is pretty bad ass. I wouldn't mind being able to to have a deadly fist weapon of ice at my slightest whim.

Least Favourite Character: The Japanese guy. Him being there just didn't make sense. If Thor was from this other planet, which contained only Caucasian men and women, where the hell did this Asian guy come from? And why does he speak with a Japanese accent? We're forgiving enough already that the people of Asgard would speak english, which they wouldn't. I mean, english is our newest language, and these "gods" are thousands of years old. There's no way. But to believe that they would have one solo Japanese guy, who speaks English with a Japanese accent? Nu huh. (As if they would have Japanese there as well.)

Favourite Scene: When Thor and his crew of four, enter into the realm of Jotunheim they almost leave unscathed. Alas, Thor has quite the ego, and can't handle when the Frost Giant mocks him for walking away peacefully. So oh ho ho, we get to see a superb fight between the Giants and the warriors. The combat wasn't specifically mind blowing, but the effects were. I liked that they utilized Thor's hammer for more than just the basic smashing of faces. And the fact that it returns to him when thrown is pretty sweet. Though I think it'd be cool for him to have some sort of explanation for that. Like a matching bracer that has a gravitational connection with the hammer.

I also liked the scene where Oden casts Thor from Asgard. It was powerful. The ties between Thor's armor and his "rights" were well done. Like when Oden strips him of the title from his "grandfather, and his father before him" each of Thor's scaled arm sleeves disintegrate. I liked that each part of his glorified armor stood for something else.

From the collection of Concept Images for Thor
Least Favourite Scene: I was really bummed out when Thor smashed the Bridge to the Realms. Couldn't he have figured something else out? Oh well. At least his brother had said that there were other ways in and out of Asgard. That's convenient.

Another from the gallery of Concept Art.
Favourite Actor in a Role: Chris Hemsworth as Thor. Though personally I pictured Thor as a bit older, I was very pleased with Chris' acting, and definitely believed that he was Thor. He's a good humoured, bit of a cocky bastard, and that's what you get from Thor. Awesome casting.

Least Favourite Actor in a Role: Tom Hiddleston as Loki. With this role, Tom got reaaaally lucky. He get's to play one of the biggest villains of all time. He's most definitely signed on for a multi film contract, and is for sure gonna make a pretty penny off this franchise. But I didn't like him. I was cool with him for the the first bit, but once Loki had to turn evil (which is painfully obvious from the beginning, I was hoping for a little more twist with my lemonade, but that's ok.) I lost all faith in the character. I wasn't scared of Loki, and I definitely didn't feel he had the conviction to be a bad guy. Whereas the King of the Frost Giants really felt evil, Loki just felt like a little boy demanding attention by knocking over a lamp. Nothing a good beating couldn't handle.
Favourite Character in General: Natalie Portman, hands down. She's gorgeous, intelligent (she went to Harvard), and an absolutely brilliant actress. She's starred in some of my top favourite movies. Leon the Professional, V for Vendetta, and Black Swan.
Least Favourite Actor in General: Kat Dennings who plays Darcy Lewis, aka Natalie's sidekick. Though I do not deny she did well in this movie, there's something about this girl that absolutely drives me insane. She made Nick and Norah's infinite playlist nearly unwatchable for me. Though I'm not a fan of Michael Cera either, so that movie was just all bad for me anyways.

In conclusion: I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone who likes action, superheroes, mythology or fantasy. I say that it's worth the watch in theaters, and seeing it undoubtedly gets you more excited for The Avengers to finally come together. 

On a separate super awesome note, Hurt Locker's Jeremy Renner has been cast as Hawkeye for The Avengers. Please forgive me for this but- OMFG THAT'S SO FUCKING AWESOME-. Maybe this was obvious to everyone else, because he was in Thor for about 5 minutes. And he was holding a bow and arrow the entire time. But I was not so smart, and after looking up the Avengers and seeing his role, it all fell into place. I had wondered why such a big star had made such a small insignificant cameo. Oh was I ever silly and naive. 

DISCLAIMER: I am aware that I have absolutely no right to judge other people, but fuck it, these are my opinions. I'm not saying they're law, and I'm not saying you have to agree with them, and if you don't, feel free to make me look like an idiot and write why! OR if you do agree, lemme know! Write your own favorite characters, scenes or quotes.

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