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The most popular blogpost from March

It's been a long time ago that I has written articles on my blogpage but I have a good excuse. I'm now a working girl. Less time but lots of things to do. So today I will write about the most popular blogpost that has been reading in the month March. Enjoy and maybe you will recognized the articles.

1. Travel: Come to the IJ-hallen in the North of Amsterdam.

In this blogpost I give you some tips if you want to visit the IJ-hallen or if you want to selling your stuff on the fleatmarket.

2. The top 5 of the month February

I showed you the most popular articles who has been reading by my followers. 

3. Review Sleek Face Form Contouring palette

I love the products from Sleek and especcialy the contouring palette. Read my review about this product.

4. Beauty: review W7 Toasted Eyeshadowpalette

This lowbudget palette contains very beautyiful colors put the powder was to powder. Do you know what I mean? Did you try this product? 

5. Travel: Review restaurant Souvla in Amsterdam

I love the food in this restaurant and I love the concept...all the meat on a stick... And I love the scropino they made and the good tasty icecreams...Read my review

6. Lifestyle: Are you also tired of the overflowing wardrobe?

Capsule Wardrobe or Project 333... I want to do it but I've noticed it is very hard and difficult for me to have only 33 items in my wardrobe/closet. So I did it very slowly and will repeat it next month...yes...very slowly throwing items away, selling it or give it away.. From 2 full closets to 1 shelf with clothes. I am very proud of myself...isn't it?

7. Food: Orange Lightning Cake inspired by Annabel Langbein

My favourit cake!! I love to make it because it's very easy to prepare. You have to try it also.

These are the 7 articles which where been popular in the month of March. Maybe you've been reading another articles which is your favourit? Please leave a comment below the blogpost!

Greetings Paula

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