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Slimming World - An Update

Four weeks ago I started my weight loss journey by joining Slimming World. In My 2012 Goals I mentioned getting fit but until recently I've let that slide and never got around to starting anything. I've joined a few of these groups in the past and to be honest they never worked for me. I would get on great for a while and then lose all motivation completely and leave. I can't say that has happened with Slimming World, I could probably say it's the best thing that I've joined all year.When you start up you pay a registration fee of €18 and every week after that it's €9. After seeing how well my Aunty got on with the program I couldn't wait to start. My Mom and I go to our meetings every Tuesday and it's so great to have her support. 
As I said I started this class a month ago, I went in with no expectations. I feel when you aim high sometimes you can be let down so I just take it one week at a time. I couldn't be happier with the results I've seen in the past four weeks, since I started I've lost 1st &3lbs in total. This has never happened on any other plan so I was definitely encouraged. I feel like my diet has changed in the past month, I've cut down on portion sizes and also drink so much water (like a camel). I also made a decision to stop eating bread/sweeties. I don't really have a sweet tooth at all so I haven't been missing the odd chocolate now and again. I was totally surprised with the bread as I thought it would be much harder to cut out but it really wasn't. After taking all these things out of my diet, I can tell you that I have a new found love for hummus (low fat variety). I hated it as a child but now I can't get enough it tastes so good.

Exercise wise, I've been walking alot more. I haven't started the gym as of yet, in the past it hasn't been my favourite place to go but this is a new chapter in my life so it's worth looking into. I've heard spinning classes are amazing even though your apparently wrecked the next day, so I might give them a go. My sister's fiance Keith has also been helping me fitness wise as he's a trained personal trainer and nutritionist so it certainly helps to have support. 


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