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Blogmas - Top Blog Posts of 2018

I haven't always been the most consistent blogger on the planet, back when I started my blog in 2014 I would post for a couple of weeks and give up for a while. In 2016 I gave up for basically half a year but at the end of 2016 I started to post regularly, posting 3 days a week and only taking the occasional break every now and again. That means there have been a lot of posts this year so I thought for the final day of Blogmas I would give myself a bit of self promo. It is rare for me to talk about older blog posts so I thought I would big up some of my favourites from this year and also talk about the ones which have done the best in terms of views.

Most Viewed Posts

I'll start with the ones that have been most successful in terms of views. With a lot of the blog posts they are ones that perhaps I did not expect to do that well but they have. I mean who am I to disagree with what people like.

1. Birthday Treats - Clothing Edition

My most viewed post this year is one of my Birthday posts and it was the one that I was least sure about posting. I've never been much of a fashion blogger and I feel like I do not carry much insight into fashion, I don't feel like I would say anything new that most people don't already know. However clearly people don't agree with me. In this post I featured two fashion items I had received for my birthday. Technically I had picked them out myself but I wanted to share them and why I had picked them. One item was from All Saints and one was a pair, my first (and only) pair of Ray-Bans. 

2. London Shopping - Selfridges and Deciem

I don't get to go to London very often so when I went earlier in the year I decided to write about it. When I do go shopping in London, I try to only buy things that I can't buy in Bristol or things that are harder to find in Bristol. Essentially this was a haul post and the story of how I got on in London. I used to travel to London all the time so I do know my way around pretty well and over time it has become one of my favourite cities. The two main stores I desperately wanted to go to were Selfridges and Deciem, two stores which are not in Bristol. Take a look at this post to see everything I picked up.

3. Sia x Viva Glam: Lipstick With a Cause

I bought the Sia x Viva Glam MAC Lipstick because I saw Alessandra Steinherr use this on her Instagram and it looked amazing on her. I decided to buy it based on her recommendations but also because the Viva Glam lipsticks help to fund the Viva Glam charity that helps those affected by HIV/AIDS. The RRP for each of these lipsticks goes to charity which makes it a good way to donate but to also get yourself a little something. This is a stunning vibrant red which I have actually now lost and looking at the pictures in this blog post, I am even more gutted that I lost it so looking back at this post was a little sad for me. This lipstick is no longer available but you can still read about it on my blog.

4. Beauty Wishlist for 2018

My Beauty Wishlist for 2018 is the only post I have promoted and spoken about a couple of times throughout the year which is probably why it has made the list. Back in January I created my Beauty Wishlist of items I wanted to try and over the year I have spoken about the items I have ticked off and I even did a Mid-Year Update. As part of Blogmas I also did an end of year conclusion so I have returned to this post a couple of times. The title of this post is pretty self-explanatory; it was a list of the products I wanted to try this year. All of the products were permanent products that I had never bought because I always end up being sucked in by the hype of a limited edition. This list allowed me to revisit it and reminded me of the products I wanted to try. I've linked the original post but here is a link to my end of year conclusion so you can see how I got on: Beauty Wishlist 2018: The Final Results

5. Birthday Skincare Routine

The final post to have placed top 5 in my most viewed posts this year is another one from my Birthday week. This time it was the skincare routine I did in the lead up to my Birthday so that I could be looking my best during a busy time. Plus I used some of my absolute favourite skincare products. Even though sometimes skincare can seem like an annoyance it is just as important, if not more important, than your makeup for special events so I thought I would share my routine in this post. It was one of the first posts I wrote about skincare when I felt more confident in my knowledge of skincare so I am pleased that this one made it to my top 5.

My Personal Top 5 Posts

I've decided to include some of my favourite posts for this year; the ones that I couldn't wait to publish or that I felt really proud of. Unfortunately some of these weren't as popular even though I felt like I had taken a lot of time on them but oh well I'm getting a chance to talk about them now.

National Fragrance Day: A Perfume Summary

I have always been an avid fan of perfume. I love swapping and changing my fragrance depending on my mood or outfit. However perfume is tricky. There are so many elements that simply make you like or dislike a perfume so it can be a hard department to navigate. I like to think I have a pretty good knowledge of perfume so for National Fragrance Day I decided to compose a little fragrance summary with some info into how fragrances work. I had been thinking about writing this post for a long time but the timing never seemed right and I could never really work out what it was I wanted to say. In time for National Fragrance Day, this post just seemed to come together and in the end I was very happy with how this post turned out.

An Introduction to The Ordinary

This post was a long post and once again it took me ages to get round to writing it. I thought I would have written this last year but I didn't, it took me until March this year to fully test the products and to feel confident enough with what I had written to post it. My year goal for this year was to learn more about skincare and I feel like in this post I have shown some of the skincare knowledge I have learnt. This was one of the first posts that I felt confident in what I was talking about when it came to skincare which felt like a turning point.

Bristol Fashion Week SS18: Diversity and Inclusion

Much like skincare, I haven't always felt the most confident talking about fashion. I love fashion and I quite like styling but I don't feel like I have a unique vision for my outfits. I certainly have a defined style which I stick to but every season I try to come out of my comfort zone a little bit and I write about the Bristol Fashion Week hosted by The Mall Cribbs Causeway. I don't like every element of the show but it is great for inspiration and I think The Mall have done a great job of creating a fashion show with high street stores so you can actually buy the pieces you see. Bristol Fashion Week seems more accessible to someone who doesn't follow designer runways and it shows how to style pieces from the high street. During the S/S show I did actually buy one of the pieces I saw in the show and I loved Katie Piper as one of the hosts. In the end I really liked this post but it didn't do overly well in terms of views.

3 Autumn Fashion Essentials

Once again sticking with fashion, one of the posts I have written recently I felt really proud of. None of the styling recommendations are revolutionary but I took the time to find styles I liked and wanted to include in my post. Not only that but I took pieces from my wardrobe that I already love and wear regularly. This did do quite well so I was pleased with that but I have really enjoyed talking about fashion this year which is why I have included it on my blog a lot more this year. I have also felt more confident within myself so this year I have been able to include pictures of some of the items I am talking about which I think makes fashion posts easier to visualise.

Rediscovering my Love of Reading

It's not often that I include something more personal on my blog as I do like to keep this a beauty blog but I guess part of beauty is the person you are, as well as the way you look and the products you use to get you there. Reading and writing has always been a form of therapy for me and for the past 4 years I have used my blog for the writing aspect. However I have definitely neglected reading. This year I wanted to read more and step away from the internet, just to help with my anxiety. I really enjoyed writing this post and rediscovering what made me love literature in the first place and since writing this post I have definitely been reading more.

And just like that my top 10 blog posts is complete, 5 picked by you and 5 picked by me. I hope you may have found a blog post you like the sound of but perhaps missed out on first time. There is a mixture of everything I write about so something must appeal to you.

With that I must say Merry Christmas and I hope you have an amazing day. This post brings me to the end of Blogmas so I thought I would keep it quite simple so you can spend time with you loved ones. There will be a post tomorrow but it will be links to my entire Blogmas so if you do want to read the entire thing you can! I hope you've enjoyed Blogmas 2018 and congrats to anyone who completed it. I'm taking a break now until 31st December.

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