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A vitamin serum for scalp

This serum is amazing. The best serum I've ever used....for my scalp!

Yes, this serum is for your scalp. It contains vitamin B3, B5, B6 and E which hydrate your scalp and prevent dandruff and itchiness. The package is suggestive of Hawaii -yes that is the concept of this brand Moe Moe.

It's more like lotion than serum as it's very watery. You put about 2 to 3 ml at a time over all your scalp after shampoo and conditioner, and massage into it gently then dry your hair. You will notice the fantastic scent which I cannot even describe. It smells of flowers but not too sweet, and smells very clean. It contains essential oils but I caught more of perfume-y type of smell.

It makes your whole head and hair smell so amazing. Even on a hot humid day, my hair smells so good all day. And it hydrate your scalp so if you're suffering from dry scalp or dandruff which could be caused by dryness too, you should try it out. 

They have many different types of shampoos and conditioners which you can choose depending on your hair type. They all smell fantastic, I'm thinking of trying their shampoo next time I've got a chance!

Moe Moe Website

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