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When Things Went Wrong

When things went wrong, i realised how much care and ❤ i got from my parents. 
When things went wrong, how i wish i can run back to Taiping and share problems with my parents.
When things went wrong, how i wish i can seek help from people around me. 

Thanks for the long talk on the phone a couple of minutes ago. Seriously i felt much better after you called me to console me. Thanks for showering me with ❤ =)

Thanks for having the thinking to come all the way from Taiping to KL just to repair my car. Nevertheless, i can still depend on myself and friends around me for help. Thanks for worrying me these and that. I can still take bus to university, daddy though you don't wish me to do so! =)

Thanks for being there when i need you. I can't live without you for sure if anything goes wrong one day. Sorry if we quarrel sometimes. ❤

Thanks for the care you gave me all year round. Reminding me not to do this and that is your daily conversation with me. I ❤ what you tell me each time. You brightened up my life since the day i born. 

I have great friends around me. I wouldnt want to mention the names here. Cause you guys are always in my heart. Forever and always~ =D Thanks a million!

❥ I felt superb good after the call. I promised you guys to try my best for my future. =) 

A smile for today finally! =)

A lesson to be learnt - Never trust or put hopes on a scoundrel! 

❤Green Peas❤

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