Over the last few months I've been slowly weeding out makeup but also clothing and accessories that I no longer want. In doing so, I saw how much money I wasted on things I wore only a handful of times. For 2015 I had told myself that I would limit myself to only 10 clothing and accessory purchases and I was sticking to it relatively well for a couple of months but by now I've lost count of what I've bought. I definitely purged more than I purchased though and I think that's a start.
Yesterday was Black Friday, the most consumer-driven, materialistic day of the year. I looked for sale codes and pinned the things I wanted well in advance. But somewhere in the span of the last week I became inundated with offers and promotions telling me to BUY BUY BUY. Seeing all these brands vying for my attention and money made me anxious.
In the end, I only purchased one thing I've been wanting for a very long time that I will use for years to come: the Larsson & Jennings Liten Chain Metal Watch in Silver. This purchase was inspired by Erica Choi, aka
Egg Canvas, whose Instagram I adore. The brand rarely has sales so I was stoked to see they were having 15% off yesterday and after looking around on Instagram, I realized they just recently opened a store in Soho. I popped into the small boutique, chatted with the friendly sales staff at Larsson & Jennings and purchased my new everyday essential.
Going forward, I'm not giving myself numerical limits on purchases or even instituting strict budgets. I'm already good at saving and I never follow the outlines I set out for myself so there's no point in that. My guidelines will be simple and they will be not only be temporary fixes but lifelong beliefs. Focus on fewer, better things to lead a more happy and meaningful life. Yes, it's pretty much what Cuyana's mission statement is. But I'm okay with that.
For some reason turning away from fashion sales are a lot easier than ignoring beauty offers for me. I'm going to be honest and let you know I made an Ulta order on Thanksgiving evening which I'm slightly ashamed about. But I'm still excited about what I got! As I declutter my closet and my life in general, I think I'll eventually get my beauty buying habits under control.
How are you approaching the holiday sales? Are you thinking of any spending resolutions for the year ahead?
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