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Review: Essence Fun Fair LE :)

Pozdravljeni! Na trgovinske police je prispela nova omejena kolekcija znamke Essence, ki se imenuje Fun Fair. Imela sem priložnost, da sem dva izdelka iz kolekcije prejela v test in sedaj sem za vas pripravila kratko oceno :)

Hello! Stores in Slovenia just received new limited edition by Essence and it's called Fun Fair. I had a chance to test and review two of the products from the new limited edition and here I have a short review for you! :)

Prejela sem rdečilo za lica v odtenku 01 Ring Around The Rosy ter izdelek za dekoriranje nohtov Cotton Candy v odtenku 01 Candylicious!

I have received a blush in shade 01 Ring Around The Rosy and one product for nail decoration and it's called Cotton Candy Nails in shade 01 Cnadylicious!

Najprej nekaj o Cotton Candy Nails izdelku. Priznam, da je bila moja prva misel kaj bom pa s tem izdelkom? Ker dejansko nisem še nikoli uporabila česa podobnega, višek mojih nail art izkušenj so nalepkice za nohte in packanje z Essence Duo sytlist palčko, kaj drugega pa mi ravno ne gre. Zato sem najprej po spletu pobrskala, če je kdo že uporabljal kaj podobnega in kako. In je čisto enostavno. Nanesete plast laka za nohte v željenem odtenku, najbolje je, da se odtenka nekoliko ujemata, da ta prahec pride čim bolj do izraza. Prahec je svetlo roza barve z roza bleščicami, ki so ravno prav pogoste, da se jih na nohtih lepo vidi, ne dajo pa bleščičastega izgleda. Embalaža izdelka je zelo praktična, ker se izdelka ne vsuje preveč ampak ravno toliko da se lepo prekrije noht. Drugače pa so na izdelku tudi zapisana navodila za uporabo, ki zapišejo točno tak postopek, kot sem ga potem sama uporabila. Odstranjevanje je bilo enostavno in hitro, samo z vatirano blazinico in mojim običajnim odstranjevalcem. Predvsem je pomembno, da res takoj po nanosu sloja laka za nohte že potresete prahec, saj se drugače ne bo prijel in obstal na roki. Po tem ni potrebno nanesti nobenega nadlaka ali česa podobnega, saj bi to uničilo bombažno zaključek/izgled na nohtih. Končni izgled je zelo zanimiv, izgleda kot sladkorna pena! Čutiti je mehko plast, ki prekriva nohte in tudi če si umijete roke še vedno, ko se roke posušijo čutite mehkobo tega prahca. Pričakovala sem, da mi ne bo uspelo in da je zagotovo kje kaka zanka in da se mi tole ne bo prijelo na nohte, ampak se mi je in ko se je enkrat posušilo ni šlo več stran drugače kot z odstranjevalcem.

First I want to present Cotton Candy Nails product. I admit, at first I didn't know what to do with the product. I have never before used anything similar, the hight of my nail art skills are nail art stickers and a product by Essence, Duo stylist stick, and I'm not good at any other form of nail art. So the first thing I did was check online if anyone has ever used anything like this and how. It's really simple! All you need to do is choose a nail polish for base, whatever shade you prefer, but it's best it's a shade that matches the dust, because the dust stands out a bit more. The cotton dust is in light pink shade and also has pink glitter in it. It's not too glittery, it's just a little something added and looks really lovely. The packaging of the product is very useful as it helps apply the dust on your nails without sprinkling too much of the product and wasting it. Anyway, you have directions how to use on the back of the product and it's the same way as I used it - "sprinkle the powder across your wet nail and wait for it to dry". Removing it was easy and fast, just with a cotton pad and my usual nail polish remover. It's really important that you sprinkle the dust right after applying a coat of nail polish or it will not glue itself to the base. You don't need any top coats or anythiing, as that would actually ruin the cotton finish. The finish is really interesting! It looks like a cotton candy you can buy at fairs! You can feel the softness of the dust and even if you wash your hands, once you dry them, you will feel the softness again! I expected this will not work for me and that there must be a catch somewhere and that this will not glue itself on my nails, but it did, and once it really dried off it sat still until I removed it with nail polish remover.

In še kratka ocena drugega izdelka - rdečila za lička v odtenku 01 Ring Around The Rosy. Embalaža izdelka je enostavna, plastična in prozorna, podobno kot ostala njihova rdečila. Odtenek izdelka je res močna roza, brez bleščic oziroma shimmra, ampak z hladnim leskom. Na koži deluje zelo naraven in preprosto popoln za poletje! Pigmentacija tega rdečila je res zelo dobra, je enostaven za nanos, ampak previdno, da ga ne nanesete preveč. Sama nisem imela težav z zabrisovanjem. Na slikah je vidna odlična pigmentacija ter mehka tekstura, za slikanje sem potrebovala samo en sloj in že se je pokazala polna barva izdelka. Obstojnost na meni, ki imam mastno kožo je bila nekje srednja, recimo nekje 4 ure, potem pa je pričel že precej bledeti. Morda deluje kot kakšna kombinacija osvetljevalca in rdečila saj ima zelo izrazit hladen svilnat lesk.

And also a short review of the blush I received in shade 01 Ring Around The Rosy. The packaging of the product is simple, plastic and transparent, looks a lot like any other of their blushes. The shade of the blush is a strong pink shade without any glitter or shimmery parts, but has a sort of a cold shine to it. On the skin it looks really natural and perfect for summer! The pigmentation of the product is really good, but be careful not to apply too much. I didn't have any problems with blending it in. On the photos you can see that it's really well pigmented and has a smooth texture as I needed only one swipe to get full coverage of the colour to show you. Longivety is on me a bit medium, I have oily skin and products tend to melt faster, I could say this lasted on me about 4 hours before it started to fade. It may look a lot like a mix of highlighter and blusher as it's got intense cold silky shine to it.

Izdelki so dostopni tudi preko spleta v spletni trgovini Click2chic, cena za rdečilo za lička je 3,29 evra, za cotton candy nails prahec pa 2,79e.

Ste že poskusili kakšnega izmed izdelkov iz omejen izdaje Fun Fair? Če ste ali pa če morda kakšnega priporočate mi sporočite v komentarjih ;) Upam, da vam je bila ocena v pomoč in najlepša hvala za pozornost!

Najlepša hvala tudi Essence Slovenia za izdelka in možnost sodelovanja ;)

Have you already tried any of the new products from the Fun fair limited edition? If you have and if you are recommending any let me know in the comments below! I hope this review was helpful to you and thanks for reading!

Also thanks to Essence Slovenia for the products and a chance to collaborate!

Love, UniqaPoly

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