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2014 Favourites

I realise it's probably a bit late to be talking about what I loved in 2014 (crazily we're already almost halfway through January?!) but after watching Zoella's 2014 favourites video, I've decided to frantically get together a 2014 favourites post, since looking back, there was quite a few things I've loved last year that I want to share.

First of all, my beauty favourites. Last year I used the Maybelline Baby Lips hydrate lip balm so much and I'm sure I'll continue to use it into this year. I've tried a quite a few lip balms, but for me this is the most moisturising lip balm there is and makes my lips feel so good almost instantly! I mentioned it in my August favourites a while ago since I was loving it then and I am still loving it now.
Makeup wise I've also been using the Rimmel Hide The Blemish concealer in the latter half of the year and I'll be continuing to use it this year too. For covering spots, which is what I need a concealer for, this is definitely the best concealer for me. It matches with my skin tone so well which I've had trouble finding as I have quite a light skin tone and doesn't come off during the day easily either.
My favourite perfume last year is the Hollister Pure Cali perfume. It's actually quite new as I only got it for my birthday in November but it smells so nice and had to mention it in my 2014 favorites because it without a doubt is my favourite perfume of this year. 

My white converse
When I think about what I have worn the most this year I instantly think about my SuperDry hoodies. I have a purple one which I actually got late 2013 and a blue one which I got early 2014 and I have worn them so much this year. I reccommend SuperDry hoodies so much as they are so comfortable and cosy and still great quality a year on so it's definitely worth the money!
My favourite shoes I've worn this year are my white converse. I bought these for summer and I love them so much! Converse are so comfortable and I adore them in white so I've been wearing them so much this year. 

Geek Girl Model Misfit by Holly Smale
I have had so many book favourites this year. Although I've not read many, a few books have really stood out to me this year. Girl Online by Zoe Sugg is definitely one of my firm favourites (I've already reviewed it, read my previous post), and I can't go without mentioning the Geek Girl series by Holly Smale, which is so hilarious and a great read, or The One That I Want by Giovanna Fletcher. These are the books I've read this year that I just couldn't put down and there are more!

The Vamps
As for music, I have loved so much last year. I went to some incredible concerts last year (and I'm going to more this year which I'm so excited about). The Vamps have become my favourite band this year, seeing them in concerts was one of my year highlights as they are so good live and their album is fantastic, I can't fault it.  Other artists' music I have loved last year is Ed Sheeran X, I listened to that so much in the summer and still am now and fell in love with One Direction all over again last year when they brought our Four! The Script's new album No Sound Without Silence has been played so much recently too and can't wait to see it played live in concert in about 7 weeks!

2014 for me has been the year of YouTubers. Last year I properly got into watching my favourite YouTubers. I subscribed to Zoe, Alfie and Joe in January 2014 and watching them get so much success this year, from being on TV shows to bringing out books makes me feel so proud to be a fan of theirs. Throughout the year I have discovered so many amazing YouTubers and this year wouldn't have been as good without them.

So that is all my favourite thing of 2014! Thank you for reading, please comment below what your favourite things have been last year and make sure you follow my blog too so you know when I make a new post.

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