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Lush: Tea Tree Water

I am going to warn you now, this post makes me seem like bit of a Negative Nancy as unfortunately it is about a disappointing product but i will make sure the next post is a super positive one to make up for it.

I am a massive Lush fan and over the course of 2015 i have slowly been trying to get into their permanent range. There are a few products that i do like such as Sex Bomb bath bomb and any of their permanent Rose Products but this time i decided to try a skin care product. I have been trying to switch up my skin care because i've been using the same products for ages so i thought it was time to try something new. Also i didn't have a toner in my skin care and my friend told me the importance of using a toner.

You should use a toner as it helps to balance out the PH of your skin and also helps to remove the rest of the dirt that the cleanser don't quite get. I had been thinking about getting a toner for ages and that was when me and a friend went into Lush to get my latest top up of bath bombs. The friend i was with at the time said that the Lush skincare was really good and that she used it, so i thought i would give some a go and that's when i saw the Tea Tree Water Toner. I do suffer from spots so i thought this would be a great addition to my skin care routine however i don't really like it. I'm not sure if i am using it wrong or what, but i have had more spots since i've been using this. I realise that the likelihood is that i am getting spots because of my hormones but it hasn't really helped them. It does help to get rid of the rest of dirt on your face but that is its only real benefit. Sometimes i just spray it on my face after i have cleansed my face and it is very refreshing but i also use it on a cotton bud when my face feels more grubby.

I decided to go for the bigger bottle as well so i am still using it but i am not really sure what it is doing for my skin, if you have tried this toner then let me know if it has worked for you or if you noticed no difference since using it. If you were thinking of trying this i would suggest getting the smaller bottle and seeing how it goes because i don't really like it and i wouldn't recommend it. This hasn't been an amazing introduction to Lush permanent products and specifically their skincare but if you do have any recommendations for their products please leave them in the comments.

SophaaRambles xx

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